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Multiplication expression

In this example, we set up a graph with three generators. Each of these generators operate on the same timer. Every time the timer fires, the generators produce a packet of data. The data they produce is dictated by the functors given to them at construction time. In this case, the functors are a reference to a random number generator.

The produced packets are then fed to a transformer defined locally. This transformer takes its inputs (in terms of T), multiplies them using *=, then outputs the multiplication expression including the product as a string. For example, given the inputs of 3 and 4, it outputs the string "3 * 4 = 12".

Finally, the transformer's output is connected to an ostreamer. This node simply streams the data packets it receives to a std::ostream of our choice, std::cout in this case.

#include "flow.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
// This class takes its inputs (in terms of T), multiplies them using *=, then outputs the multiplication expression including the product as a string.
// For example, given the inputs of 3 and 4, it outputs the string "3 * 4 = 12".
template<typename T>
class multiplication_expressifier : public flow::transformer<T, string>
multiplication_expressifier(size_t ins = 2, const string& name_r = "multiplication_expressifier") : flow::node(name_r), flow::transformer<T, string>(name_r, ins, 1) {}
virtual ~multiplication_expressifier() {}
virtual void ready(size_t n)
// Check that a packet is ready at all inputs. If not, return and try again when another packet arrives.
for(size_t i = 0; i != flow::consumer<T>::ins(); ++i)
// Gather the terms in a container.
vector<unique_ptr<flow::packet<T>>> terms;
for(size_t i = 0; i != flow::consumer<T>::ins(); ++i)
// Start the product as equal to the first term.
T product(terms[0]->data());
// Multiply by the value of all other packets.
for_each(terms.begin() + 1, terms.end(), [&product](const unique_ptr<flow::packet<T>>& packet_up_r){
product *= packet_up_r->data();
// Using a stringstream, aggregate all the factors and the product to form the multiplication expression.
stringstream ss;
ss << terms[0]->data();
for_each(terms.begin() + 1, terms.end(), [&ss](const unique_ptr<flow::packet<T>>& packet_up_r){
ss << " * " << packet_up_r->data();
ss << " = " << product;
// ss now looks like "a * b [* x] = p".
// Make a packet with the expression.
unique_ptr<flow::packet<string>> p(new flow::packet<string>(ss.str()));
// Output it.
int main()
// Create a timer that will fire every three seconds.
flow::monotonous_timer mt(chrono::seconds(3));
// Instantiate a graph. It starts out empty.
// Instantiate a random number generator with a uniform distribution of the number 0 to 10.
random_device rd;
default_random_engine engine(rd());
uniform_int_distribution<size_t> uniform(0, 10);
auto generator = bind(uniform, ref(engine));
// Create three generators and add them to the graph.
g.add(make_shared<flow::samples::generic::generator<int>>(mt, generator), "g1");
g.add(make_shared<flow::samples::generic::generator<int>>(mt, generator), "g2");
g.add(make_shared<flow::samples::generic::generator<int>>(mt, generator), "g3");
// Include a multiplication_expressifier with three inputs.
// We specify its inputs to be ints, but its output will always be a string.
g.add(make_shared<multiplication_expressifier<int>>(3), "me1");
// Include a consumer that just prints the data packets to cout.
g.add(make_shared<flow::samples::generic::ostreamer<string>>(cout), "o1");
// Connect the three generators to the multiplication_expressifier.
g.connect<int>("g1", 0, "me1", 0);
g.connect<int>("g2", 0, "me1", 1);
g.connect<int>("g3", 0, "me1", 2);
// Connect the multiplication_expressifier to the ostreamer.
g.connect<string>("me1", 0, "o1", 0);
// Start the timer on its own thread so it doesn't block us here.
thread mt_t(ref(mt));
// Start the graph! Now we should see multiplication expressions printed to the standard output.
// Wait for some input. And when we get it...
char c;
cin >> c;
// ...stop the graph completely.
// Stop the timer.
return 0;

Here's the output of a run of about 30 seconds:

4 * 4 * 0 = 0
10 * 3 * 9 = 270
9 * 5 * 8 = 360
2 * 7 * 0 = 0
8 * 7 * 10 = 560
1 * 5 * 5 = 25
8 * 0 * 10 = 0
6 * 3 * 2 = 36
1 * 7 * 3 = 21
3 * 10 * 0 = 0